Preventing hearing loss is easier than you think
Although some forms of hearing loss are completely inevitable as you age, many options are available to prevent unnecessary hearing loss. While you’re at your day job or listening to music at the gym, it’s important to be aware of both the signs of hearing loss and the measures you can take to prevent it. They include:
1. People enjoy performing activities around their home to keep the house looking pristine. It’s important to maintain your home, and activities such as leaf blowing, lawn mowing, and general woodwork are necessary for keeping it up-to-date. Unfortunately, these activities can cause an immense amount of hearing loss. It is important to wear earplugs whenever you are performing these activities.
2. Listening to music is a common daily pastime. From work to the gym, people often listen to music through their headphones to help pass the time. Unfortunately, most Americans listen to their headphones much more loudly than they should. If you can, use noise-cancelling or noise-reduction headphones so you can lower the volume. They’re worth the cost.
3. Some medicines can produce toxins that are damaging to your hearing. Be sure to ask your medical provider if your prescriptions have the possibility of being ototoxic.
4. As you get older, your likelihood of having hearing loss increases. If you are over the age of 55, you may want to schedule an annual hearing test.
According to the National Institutes of Health, one-third of people in the U.S. between the ages of 65 and 75 and close to one-half of those older than 75 have some degree of hearing loss. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse hearing loss, but you can take the necessary measures to prevent it.