We’ve prepared information on a many topics of interest to our patients. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, please call our office so we can help you.
Health and Hearing Loss
10 things you should know about hearing loss & your health
Hearing basics
How exactly does the ear function?
What’s that thing you’re sticking in my ear?
Hearing instruments
What kind of hearing device is right for you?
Hearing aids are more than worth the cost
Brief history of the hearing aid
Hearing loss
Are you afraid of hearing loss?
Types of hearing loss
Ten ways to recognize hearing loss
Firearms and hearing loss: making the connection
Unexpected causes of hearing loss
Don’t think you’re hurting your ears when listening to music? Think again!
Preventing hearing loss is easier than you think
Five simple steps for better hearing (10/19/12)
Five ways to prevent and treat tinnitus